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Cherry Bee

A closer look at the French Revolution, a representative event of the modern citizen revolution

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The French Revolution was a modern citizen revolution that took place in 1789, abolishing the class system and leading to the declaration of human rights and the development of democracy, marking the starting point of modern society.
  • In particular, the Declaration of the Rights of Man, which proclaimed the rights and freedoms of human beings, has been reflected in the constitutions and human rights norms of countries around the world, and has had a profound impact on the development of democracy and human rights that we enjoy today.
  • The French Revolution spread the ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity throughout the world, influencing the American Revolution, the Latin American independence movements, and the Russian Revolution, and we must cherish and protect the democracy achieved through many sacrifices.

What comes to mind when you think of exciting events in history, especially when it comes to modern civic revolutions? It is the French Revolution. The French Revolution was not just an event, but the foundation for many of the rights and freedoms we enjoy today.

The French Revolution

The French Revolution, which occurred in 1789, is one of the most representative events of modern civic revolutions, bringing about great changes politically, economically, and socially. The revolution continued even after that, causing numerous sacrifices and chaos, but ultimately had a major impact on the structural changes in French society and the development of democracy.

French Revolution

French Revolution

Eve of the Revolution: Growing Social Tension and Dissatisfaction

In the late 18th century, French society was increasingly tense and dissatisfied due to deep-rooted structural problems and a financial crisis. These situations were a sign of the revolution to come.

French society was divided into three estates, with the first estate comprising the clergy, the second estate the nobility, and the third estate the rest (peasants, workers, bourgeois, etc.). The third estate was the largest group, but it bore the brunt of taxes and received unequal treatment with little political power. They were angry at the tax exemptions and feudal rights of the nobles and clergy.

Economic difficultieswere also severe. The country's debt soared as a result of funding the American War of Independence, and the people's lives became more difficult due to food shortages and inflation. Unemployment also increased, causing unrest in the cities.

The Enlightenment philosophy and the success of the American Revolutioninspired the French. Intellectuals wrote articles criticizing social inequality and absolutism, emphasizing human rights and freedom. Political discussions were lively in salons and cafes, and secret societies began to prepare for the revolution.

The Beginning of the Revolution: The Storming of the Bastille

On July 14, 1789, the people of Paris stormed the Bastille, a symbol of the absolute monarchy. This event is remembered as a key moment marking the beginning of the French Revolution.

The storming of the Bastille was not pre-planned. That morning, protests broke out in Paris against the shortage of bread and rising prices of necessities. However, some of the protesters moved toward the Bastille and demanded weapons and ammunition. At the time, the Bastille was infamous for being used as a tool of repression under absolutism, so the people attacked it to show their resistance to the monarchy.

The guards defending the Bastille initially resisted, opening fire, but eventually surrendered. As a result, the Bastille fell, and numerous prisoners were released. This event spread the fervor of revolution throughout Paris, and rebellions erupted in other regions in response.

The storming of the Bastille was a major turning point in the French Revolution. As a result of this event, the people realized their own strength and took control of the revolution. The revolution then unfolded in a radical direction, leading to the king's abdication, the establishment of a republic, and the adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, all historic events.

Major Events and the Progression of the Revolution

  • Formation of the National Assembly: In May 1789, the Estates-General convened at the Palace of Versailles, but they deadlocked over the voting method. The representatives of the commoners then formed their own National Assembly and pushed for the establishment of a constitution.
  • Adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen: The National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen on August 26, 1789, guaranteeing human freedom and rights. This declaration established the principles of modern democracy and had a major impact on world history.
  • Formation of the Legislative Assembly: The National Assembly was reformed into the Legislative Assembly in October 1791. The Legislative Assembly adopted a constitutional monarchy and established a new constitution, but the fervor of the revolution did not subside, leading to ongoing conflicts.
  • Declaration of the Republic: In April 1792, Austria and Prussia invaded France, prompting the Legislative Assembly to reform into the National Convention and declare war. In September of the same year, the National Convention abolished the monarchy and declared the First Republic.
  • Establishment of the Directory: In November 1795, the National Convention established the Directory. The Directory was a system governed by five directors, but the public was deeply dissatisfied with the instability of politics and the economic crisis.
  • Rise of Napoleon: Taking advantage of the chaos of the Directory, Napoleon Bonaparte staged a coup d'état and seized power. He established a Consulate and strengthened the military, embarking on a conquest of Europe.

The French Revolution is considered a historic event that abolished feudalism and absolutism and established modern democracy.However, violence and chaos ensued during the revolution, and Napoleon's dictatorship led to a setback for democracy..

Key Figures of the Revolution and Their Influence

  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau: A Swiss-born French philosopher who advocated for social contract theory and greatly influenced the French Revolution. His works, *On the Origin of Inequality Among Men* and *The Social Contract*, were widely popular among intellectuals at the time.
  • Marie Antoinette: The Austrian-born queen of France, she was despised by the people for her lavish lifestyle and inept governance. She is considered one of the triggers of the French Revolution.
  • Robespierre: A French politician during the French Revolution who led radical reforms and the Reign of Terror. He enjoyed popular support but was overthrown and executed by his opponents.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte: A French military leader and politician during the French Revolution who staged a coup d'état to seize power and became emperor. He expanded France's influence through his wars of conquest in Europe but ultimately fell from power after his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo.

These figures participated in or influenced the French Revolution in their own ways, and their actions still hold great historical significance today.

Social Changes Brought About by the French Revolution

  • Abolition of the Estate System: Previously, French society was divided into an estate system of nobility, clergy, and commoners. However, after the French Revolution, this system was abolished, and all individuals gained equal rights.
  • Declaration of Human Rights: A document that outlines human freedom, equality, and rights, reflecting the ideals of the French Revolution.
  • Development of Democracy: The monarchy was abolished and a republic was established, with the people electing representatives through direct elections, leading to the development of democratic institutions.
  • Economic Change: Commerce and industry flourished, and the status of peasants improved. It also laid the foundation for the development of capitalism.

These social changes had a major impact not only on France but also on the world. It is why it is called the archetype of modern civic revolutions.

After the Revolution: The Rise and Influence of Napoleon

In 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte staged a coup d'état and established the Consulate. He became emperor in 1804, beginning the First Empire, and conquered much of Europe, expanding France's influence.

The Napoleonic Wars ended with Napoleon's defeat against British forces at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. This spread the spirit of the French Revolution throughout Europe, influencing liberal and nationalist movements. On the other hand, Napoleon's dictatorial rule distorted the ideals of the French Revolution.

Historical Significance of the French Revolution and Its Influence on Today's World

The French Revolution, considered one of the most significant events in human history, marked the beginning of modern society and had a profound impact on the development of democracy and human rights around the world..

  • It overthrew absolutism, established national sovereignty, abolished the estate system, and attempted to create an egalitarian society, laying the foundation for modern democracy..
  • The 'Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen,' which declared human rights and freedom, has been reflected in constitutions and human rights standards around the world.It contributed to the development of the concept of universal human rights, prohibiting discrimination based on race, gender, or religion.
  • The ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternityhave been a driving force for progressive thought and movements not only in France but around the world, influencing the American Revolution, Latin American independence movements, and the Russian Revolution.


As democracy was achieved through the sacrifice of many people, we should cherish and preserve it.

Cherry Bee
Cherry Bee
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