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Cherry Bee

Technology that Changed the World 1

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The internet, smartphones, and artificial intelligence are prime examples of technologies that have revolutionized our lives, significantly improving access to information, communication methods, and everyday convenience.
  • In particular, the internet has strengthened information sharing and social connections, smartphones have built a mobile environment, changing communication and work methods, and artificial intelligence has been applied in various fields such as personal assistants, image recognition, and autonomous driving, adding convenience.
  • However, it is necessary to have social discussions and preparedness for the side effects that appear with technological advancement, such as internet addiction, health problems caused by excessive smartphone use, and ethical issues of artificial intelligence.

Getting Started

We're going to talk about ten technologies that have revolutionized our lives. From the smartphones we use every day to the mind-blowing technologies of space exploration, there are many technologies that have changed the world. We've selected some of the most impressive ones.

The Birth and Global Spread of the Internet

Developed by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1969, the internet has rapidly spread around the world, bringing about significant changes in human life.

The birth of the internet was intended to facilitate communication between computers. Initially used for military purposes, it later began to be used in a variety of fields, such as academic research and corporate activities. In the 1990s, the World Wide Web (WWW) emerged, popularizing the internet, and now approximately half of the world's population uses it.

The internet has facilitated the collection and sharing of information, expanding the scope of knowledge, promoted communication and collaboration among people, strengthening social relationships. It has also developed the digital economy, such as e-commerce and online banking, creating economic value, and has played a significant role in the advancement of future technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data.

However, the spread of the internet has also brought about negative consequences. Security issues such as personal information leaks and cybercrime have increased, and social problems such as internet addiction have emerged.

Despite this, the internet remains one of the most important technologies in modern society, and its influence continues to grow.

The Smartphone Revolution and the Transformation of Communication

The smartphone revolution, which began with Apple's release of the iPhone in 2007, has had a significant impact around the world.

Unlike conventional mobile phones, smartphones feature operating systems and app stores, providing a wide range of functionalities. This allows people to access the internet anytime, anywhere, to search for information, communicate with friends through social media, play games, listen to music, and watch videos.

Communication methods have also undergone significant changes. Instead of traditional text messaging or phone calls, using social media such as KakaoTalk, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram for real-time conversations has become commonplace. Sharing and enjoying various content through video platforms such as YouTube and Netflix has also become widespread.

Smartphones have also revolutionized the way we work. Using email, cloud services, and office apps, people can now work outside the office, leading to the rise of remote work and work-from-home arrangements.

While these changes have provided a great deal of convenience to human lives, they have also exposed problems. Excessive smartphone use has led to an increase in health problems such as neck pain, vision loss, and insomnia, and social issues such as social media addiction have emerged.

The Advancement of Artificial Intelligence and Its Application to Everyday Life

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a concept based on computer science and cognitive science, which refers to the technology that enables machines to mimic and implement human intelligence and behavior. Introduced for the first time in 1956 by Professor John McCarthy, it has been rapidly developing ever since.

It is being applied in various aspects of our daily lives, changing the way we live. Prime examples include voice assistants such as 'Siri,' 'Google Assistant,' and 'Kakao.' These assistants recognize user voice commands and provide information on weather, schedule, news, or perform functions such as playing music, making calls, and more.

AI also uses image recognition technology to identify objects or people in photos, or facial recognition technology to build security systems. AI is also being used in self-driving cars. By recognizing the surrounding environment, the car makes its own judgments and controls its driving, enabling safe and convenient driving.

AI is also being actively used in the medical field, analyzing medical images such as CT or MRI to diagnose diseases such as cancer or dementia, or to suggest treatment options. It is also being used in drug development, helping to analyze experimental results and discover new drug candidates.

AI is constantly evolving, and its potential and possibilities are endless. In the future, we expect AI to advance further and make human life more abundant and convenient.


Cherry Bee
Cherry Bee
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